
Expert explains near death experiences – from angry demons to the white light

We spoke to psychologist Chris French to find out more about near death experiences, what they’re like, and why we may have them

If you hear the phrase ‘near death experience’ you often presume it means seeing a bright light coming towards you, or a light at the end of the tunnel.

When in fact, it can be so much more than that, with a variety of sensations including detachment and even feeling like you’re floating.

Neuroscientific research suggests that a NDE is a phenomenon resulting from ‘disturbed bodily multisensory integration’ that occurs during a life-threatening event. General features of a near death experience are said to include visions of deceased relatives and religious figures, and outer body experiences.

It’s often wondered if science can explain what is felt before a near death experience, after all, for hundreds of years people have described ‘a white light coming towards them’ – but it can involve other strange feelings too.

We spoke to Chris French, head of the anomalistic psychology research unit at Goldsmiths, University of London, about the phenomenon.

He said: “Usually, the core experience is the feeling of peace and bliss, it’s like an outer body experience and entering another spiritual realm.

“Some may see deceased relatives and religious figures as well as themselves returning back to their body, but of course, it’s very rare to get someone who includes all the components in that order.”

Near death experiences aren’t always bright lights and a feeling of spirituality though, they can be negative, and actually pretty terrifying.

Chris continues: “The negative ones fall into three general categories, the first one is where the person is concerned and naturally terrified that they are dying, the second category is almost a stereotypical panto version of hell with demons and pitchforks.

Chris continues: “The negative ones fall into three general categories, the first one is where the person is concerned and naturally terrified that they are dying, the second category is almost a stereotypical panto version of hell with demons and pitchforks.

Near death experiences can either be positive or terrifying, says psychologist Chris French
“The third negative experience which I find the most chilling, is those that find themselves in a void all on their own in isolation, knowing that they’ll be there forever.”

Interestingly, those who have a positive near death experience can become less materialistic, more spiritual, and generally care more for other people and the environment.

Chris added: “They may find it difficult to put into words, and worry that people might think they’re crazy, when in fact, they’re quite clearly not. Now that they find themselves back in their ordinary mundane reality which can’t compare, there can also be relationship problems.

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“There can be a high divorce rate with those who have had near death experiences, some may think they’re married to a saint, maybe they’ll sell the house and even give it to charity.”

Near death experiences can reduce the fear of death greatly, but if the experience is negative, it can also increase the fear of death, with many people suffering PTSD symptoms after experiencing one.

When talking about near death experiences as a whole, and why they actually happen, opinions are very much mixed.

“The question is how you interpret it, you’ve got people who believe that it’s exactly what it appears to be, a glimpse into the afterlife, with your mind being separated from the body.

“Others believe it’s the visions of a dying brain approach, which is basically weird stuff happening in the brain, and a near death experience is what it feels like to be inside of that happening.”

Currently working on his book “The Science Of Weird S***”, Chris French explores the topic of near death experiences in greater detail, because after all, they are pretty weird.